Purple Spec(ta)tre

This image came to me one night as I drifted off to sleep. We had been reading Terry Prattchet’s “Mort” a fabulously fun read. I would like to say this wasn’t influenced at all by the book, but there’s really no way it wasn’t, so I guess we’ll call this my tribute to “Mort”

From the image in my mind came a simple sketch

Then colored in with pencil to get a feel for what kind of colors I might need to find.

I collected various flowers from the garden and brought them in.

I spread them out to see the colors on the canvas. I lay the torn petals out in a stream from his eye, just how later I would cast his vision on to a flower. This is one of my favorite images.

Filling in the background blues.

The rest of the blues for the background completed. I really enjoyed this part because instead of using the swirl effect I had done thus far, I tried streaking the flowers across the canvas. I enjoy the flow it gave to the painting.


Nearly Finished


A close up on the eye


This was where it sat for quite some time, I used a berry, don’t recall which kind at the moment to get the red and quite by accident it took on a heart shape.

I maybe should have stopped here, but there were two pieces I desperately wanted to add to this piece. A vibrant red for the flower, I may or may not launch into a multi page epic about how difficult a good red is to find. For now, suffice it to say, it is a lengthy subject.

Second, I wanted to add a layer of shimmer to his robe and maybe the night sky. I had intended to do this by finishing it, spraying the sealer on it and then running the White Hollyhock across it to give it that iridescent quality it gives so well…

However, that failed. I don’t think I did any damage to the overall painting with the attempt, but I could see it was having an undesired effect.


I am happy with the final piece, but no so much the red.

Here is a close up on the flower


And lastly, I thought this might be interesting. This is the back of the canvas, where I often prep a batch of petals for painting on the front of the canvas or try out something I am not sure of how it will look.

Looking for red…

I have been working on one particular piece this week that I am currently calling Purple Spect(ta)re, it is almost finished except I can’t find a good red. There are lots of red flowers in our garden and around, but none of them give a real red color on the canvas, most turn purple or at best some form of burgundy.

I’ve done some research and found a few sites that talk about plant dyes but most of them require processing to get to the color and that isn’t what Scrying is all about for me.

I have turned to berries to try and find the red and found something that kind of works in what Lisa refers to as an Oregon Berry, I don’t know if that is its real name or not, but since I don’t know the names of most flowers I refer to her expertise to tell me what it is that I am messing with most of the time.

The Oregon Berry did give me a bit of a red, but also a brown, it was quite bizarre the way it turned out, but strangely it worked, at least enough for me to be satisfied with it, but now its effects have left me needing a black, which I haven’t come across in anything I have used thus far.

That being said, for those that come here looking for information on plant dyes, I’ll pass along these links that I found that give recommendations on how to get various colors by boiling and other processing methods.



And this book that seemed to be specifically for those of you wanting to die yarns, etc
Colours from Nature, Bobbi A McRae, Storey, 1993

Red & White Petunia’s hijacked from a gas station

Last night on our way home from seeing Sperm! The Musical at the Panida in Sandpoint, ID, I raided the Petunia’s at the gas station on the way out of town.


While my criminal ways may be increasing, it is all in the name of art. The white flower was like most and did nothing other than leave a dirty smudge on the pages of the palette book. The red however left a decent purple, with a strange silver/grey spot at the center. I am not sure what part of the flower caused it, but I hope to get some more samples to try and see if it can be isolated. As of yet I have not had any luck in finding a color such as that.
